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Dear RBC Members:

I am happy to announce that the Board voted, at an April 23 meeting, to reopen the Club for tennis starting May 1. Between now and May 1, Brian and Josh will be finishing up some improvement projects they have been doing on and around the courts, and the Board will complete a set of rules and regulations that will temporarily govern activities at our tennis facility. The rules and regulations will be established after considering the advice of medical and legal professionals and will be designed to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19, protect the members of our community, and comply with the legal mandates set forth by the government. 


The Board’s decision to close was based on an Executive Order by the Governor, as well as our desire to protect the health and welfare of our members and the public at large. The Board has recently applied for, and received, an exemption from the S.C. Department of Commerce permitting the Club to operate. The exemption requires (1) compliance with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Occupational Safety and Health Administration guidance, (2) the implementation of social distancing measures necessary to protect employees and the public, and (3) the following of applicable sanitation guidelines promulgated by the CDC, the Department of Health and Environmental Control, or any other state or federal public health officials. The exemption is provisional in nature and is subject to revision, alteration, or revocation at any point, based on the evolving nature and scope of the ongoing public health emergency associated with COVID-19 and to account for changing circumstances.


Since the day we temporarily closed the Club, more is known about COVID-19 and how it spreads. We plan to use this enhanced knowledge, as well as evolving information from medical professionals, to design a plan for play that maximizes safety but, unfortunately, impacts aspects of the overall RBC experience that existed before this virus so rudely disrupted our lives. This is obviously not ideal, but it's the only way we can operate at this time.


As I stated in my last message to the club, the risk of exposure to COVID-19 continues. While our state is in a better position than some, our peak in cases is not projected to occur until early May. For this reason, we must be vigilant.  In addition, everyone must agree to assume a degree of risk when you make the personal decision to play at the RBC facility. As the Governor stated in instituting limits on activities during this pandemic, "personal liberty comes [with] great responsibility, and it is imperative that the people of the State of South Carolina do their part to slow the spread of COVID-19 and to minimize the resulting strain on healthcare providers and resources . . . , which will ultimately facilitate an earlier return to normal operations." 


We hope the return of tennis to Rockbridge will provide some normalcy and comfort in an otherwise uncertain time. The Board thanks you for your patience and understanding during our period of closure, and for your cooperation going forward.


All the best,


Wesley Graybill, President

Wesley Graybill
President, and on behalf of the Board

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