Board Statement on COVID-19
March 24, 2020
Dear RBC Members:
Yesterday, Governor McMaster issued an executive order directing law enforcement officials to prohibit or disperse any congregation or gathering of people, unless authorized in their homes, in groups of three or more people, if any such law enforcement official determines, in their discretion, that any such congregation or gathering of people poses, or could pose a threat to public health.
Based on this order, and on our desire to protect the health and welfare of our members and the public at large, we have made the difficult decision to temporarily close Rockbridge to the membership. Know that this decision was made after consultation with and the unanimous approval of the entire Board, which is composed of members from various walks of life, including the legal community, the medical field, and law enforcement.
We don’t know the duration of this temporary closure. Know that we intend to follow the guidance of our governmental officials and the medical community in making decisions about the re-opening of the Club. It is our sincere hope that this period of closure is short in duration.
Know that RBC staff will continue to maintain our facilities during this period.
When this order is modified or lifted such that we are able to return to the Club, we plan to pick up right where we left off. While RBC is in good shape financially, we have obligations that will not be suspended by the Covid-19 virus. We see this as a time of coming together as a group, and greatly appreciate your understanding and cooperation as we navigate the uncertainty facing our Club, city, state and nation.
Thanks to everyone for your contributions to the Rockbridge family. And as a family, we will get through this together.
Wesley Graybill
President, and on behalf of the Board